4 Genius Ways Spa Owners Can Use Facebook Ads & Get More Customers
Today you are going to see some of my favorite social media strategies in action…
…social media strategies that will help you to increase your wellness spa clientele and revenue.
According to a recent study by Nation Multimedia, the spa industry is expected to grow by 15% this year.
It’s my goal for you to be included in that 15%.
Let’s dive right in.
#1: Use Local Ad Targeting To Reach 100% of Your Customer Base
Facebook ads work for spas for one reason:
Facebook ads are super easy to find your exact target demographic, no matter the location.
Have you looked at Facebook’s location targeting options lately?
You can target by country, state/province, city, ZIP, DMA…
…And address.
You are seeing that correctly.
You can use Facebook to target people within a set amount of miles from a particular address.
For Example:
Your spa is located at 555 more revenue lane.
Why not run an ad at those who live near you?
This target audience is more familiar with your brand, because they pass by your spa every day.
Imagine how excited the people might be to see a coupon on Facebook for the spa they see everyday – that they have been dying to visit.
Does this sound like something you would like to implement for your business?
Let’s keep going…
#2: Target Potential Customers Based On Income
Being able to retain clients is a big part of building a sustainable company.
Sometimes, the challenge is not finding those who need your service.
Often, the challenge is finding those who can afford your service.
If you service to a particular income level, to have a fighting chance with Facebook ads you have two options:
Option #1: Target everyone regardless of his or her financial characteristics and see what sticks (How most business owners waste advertising dollars).
Option #2: Target potential customers based on the exact income levels you wish to service.
Luckily, Facebook puts a checkmark in the win column for spas by allowing the ability to execute option #2.
No need to wonder if your advertising efforts are reaching the right people.
You can be laser targeted right down to income.
#3: Use Facebook Retargeting To Re-engage Lost Website Leads
Something to think about:
Ever visited a website of your favorite brand and later logged onto Facebook?
Chances are after leaving their website, you witnessed an ad from them in your Facebook news feed.
Why do large companies use Facebook retargeting?
Most marketing gurus agree on one thing:
The average consumer must see a brand at least 3-4 times before they are ready to make a purchase.
The same holds true for spas.
The customers that are the quickest to convert are those who have:
1. Used your services before
2. Have seen your brand multiple times
Here is a look at our Facebook retargeting list within the last month…
That’s over two thousand potential customers we re-engage on Facebook everyday once they leave our site.
Still there.
Imagine all the website traffic your website receives on a daily basis.
…imagine all the people that never contact you.
With a few expert strategies and the proper management, you can fill that gap by re-engaging the potential customers who do not convert on the first visit.
Just remember one thing:
It is 100% possible to get new customers using Facebook.
#4: Hire A Facebook Marketing and Advertising Agency
Many spa business owners make the mistake of thinking they have the time and expertise to execute a revenue-generating Facebook campaign.
In our experience, it has always proven more effective to hire a Facebook marketing company.
Here’s a comparison of average advertising cost and results to ponder on:
That’s a 3.2x increase in results when a spa owner hires a social media management company to manage their Facebook page.