The Challenge

@RodneySampson approached LYFE Marketing late November 2012 with preparations to release his latest book @Kingonomics and launch his first annual Kingonomics conference that would accompany his book. The set date of the event and book release was January 12, 2013. His goal, and our challenge, was to bring out 1,000 current or aspiring entrepreneurs in Georgia to the event and pump presales for the @Kingonomics book. With limited time, we immediately begin integrating social media into their current marketing efforts.

The Solution

The first step for us was to establish a social presence for the event. We choose Twitter because of it’s flexibility and wide reach. @Kingonomics already had official sponsors and credible keynote speakers for the event. In order to create buzz and excitement we reached out to the conference partners on Twitter and asked them to participate in the promotion of the Kingonomics. We created conversations with the speakers and sponsors, quoted, shared and retweeted their messages. Everyone who visited @Kingonomics twitter page was able to read the timeline and checkout the hype surrounding the event.

In addition, we utilized LYFE Marketing’s twitter network (120,000+ followers) to promote the conference to people in Atlanta using “#Kingonomics2013” as the hashtag. We were able to create massive word of mouth and grow the @Kingonomics twitter page from 50 followers to 700+ in a matter of a two of weeks. With the coming of a new year approaching (2013), we utilized search marketing to specifically target people whose new years resolutions was to own their own business and become an entrepreneur.

The day of the event, LYFE Marketing was on site to continue to push the Kingonomics event. We quoted speakers, directed traffic (using social), assisted with registration, tweeted out photos and videos and continuously engaged with the people at the event. The social buzz heightened as the day progressed and carried on even after the event.


The Results

The social media promotions and organic @Kingonomics twitter network generated over 7.2 million impressions, first week’s presales of the Kingonomics book (10,000+) sold out and @Kingonomics had over 500+ entrepreneurs at their event. With an almost non-existent social presence before LYFE Marketing, LYFE Marketing’s social strategy gave way for a successful book release and conference.