Social Media Marketing Outsource vs In-House
Social Media Marketing Outsource vs In-House For years this topic has sparked many debates and arguments over which is a better option. Some will argue that having an in-house employee means [...]
The ROI of Social Media Marketing for Dummies: #1 Audience Growth
Social Media Marketers love to tweet, talk, and blog about the ROI of Social Media Marketing, but how many of them actually show you? The “5 Tips for Twitter Marketing” and “How to Use Instagram [...]
Social Media: The Student Housing Industry’s Best Marketing Source
For years ApartmentGuides, Billboards, Yellowbooks, Student Newspapers and other traditional marketing sources, has been the go to place for the student housing companies to reach their [...]
3 Social Media Bloopers Brands Should Leave in 2013
The year 2014 should cultivate some of the best social media campaigns we have seen to date. As time goes on brands and their perspective social media managers are learning new and captivating [...]
Facebook Advertising Has Failed Marketers
It is another sad day for Facebook marketers. Facebook has made it harder for businesses to use their platform to advertise their business to their audience. Once again, they have changed their [...]