
Social Media Marketers love to tweet, talk, and blog about the ROI of Social Media Marketing, but how many of them actually show you? The “5 Tips for Twitter Marketing” and “How to Use Instagram to Market Your Business” blogs are great, but I’d like to paint a better picture of what to expect from successful campaigns and what every brand’s goal should be when they invest their time and resources into Social Media Marketing. Therefore, I’m rolling out a new blog series titled “The ROI of Social Media Marketing for Dummies” for the month of August which will help business owners and executives understand what to expect from successful campaigns. So let’s get started, shall we?

Objective #1: Growing Your Audience & Marketing your product to them daily – EVERYONE is on social media. There are over 10,000 tweets being sent every second and over 30,000 photos have been Liked on Instagram since you’ve been reading this blog. It is your job to successfully broadcast your product in front of the billions of people actively using social media and market your product to them daily.

Below is a concrete example of the ROI of Audience Growth & Social Media Marketing from a recent Instagram campaign that we launched less than 2 weeks ago for our client, Opportunity Hub. Not only does the visual content we post Instagram grab the attention of their targeted audience but it also generates interest in their organization’s office space and resources.

OHub marketing their cafe to their audience.


Growing a strong social media presence will not only push your products in front of your audience, but it will also create pure word of mouth about your brand that is as organicas the food in the picture above! Once you get people talking about your product, you are in position to pull more potential customers into your product and convert their interactions into revenue. Below is a great example from a Twitter point of view.

OHub Social Media Efforts Creates Organic Word of Mouth

So there you have it, two concrete examples of the ROI of Social Media Marketing from just one of the components that fits in the formula for success, audiencegrowth. Next week, we will be diving into the ROI of our next component of Social Media Marketing, consumer engagement! Join us next week and continue to gain a better understanding of the benefits of going social.


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