If you’re not seeing the results you want from social media…
…there’s a handful of things we can think of right off the bat that you may or may not be doing, or at least doing correctly.
So read till the end of this post to find out why your social strategy isn’t working.
Today, we’re going to cover 5 things you either aren’t doing correctly or aren’t doing at all that could be the reason your social strategy isn’t working.
This is a big one that we see a lot.
We know that as a small business owner, you’re often already wearing many hats…
…and running around like crazy trying to fulfill multiple roles to get your company off the ground.
Adding on the task of being social media manager on top of everything else can feel so daunting.
So it’s easier to just pawn it off on the next available person- be it your admin, your coworker, or even your gen Z niece.
And that wouldn’t be a problem IF any of those people happened to also be social media experts.
But in most cases, they’re not.
Just because somebody knows how to change a flat tire, that doesn’t make them a mechanic, right?
In the same vein, just because somebody knows how to post something on your Facebook business page, that doesn’t mean they’re a social media expert.
So if you’re wanting to see bigger and better results from your social strategy…
…your strategy needs to see bigger and better efforts from the person managing it.
That means either outsourcing the work to social media marketing professionals like LYFE Marketing.
Or, putting yourself or your team through social media training to become experts yourselves.
And it just so happens that we have TWO programs that could help you with that.
We have a social media ads training course that is a one-time purchase…
…and then a monthly coaching program.
2. You’re failing to post often.
Some business owners are so worried about publishing the right things that they end up not publishing anything at all.
And the result is your page looking outdated or inactive.
So this begs this question: when we talk about posting often, how often is often?
Some of you reading may be thinking, “Eh I post every couple of weeks, I’m good.”
Well…not really.
Truthfully, you should be posting every day in some capacity, be it a feed post, a story, a Live, or something.
And we’ll get more into these effective types of content marketing later in this post, but for posting frequency, you just need to be present every day.
Particularly when it comes to small businesses, people come to your social media pages to scope you out.
To see if you’re credible and trustworthy to buy from.
They’re looking for anything that might tip you off as being sketchy.
This includes not having posted anything in weeks or months and/or not having any comments or having responded to any comments.
In short, your social media pages need to look active at the bare minimum.
Now some people have the opposite problem where they are posting all the time, but they’re posting about nothing.
3. You’re posting just to post.
Maybe you’re posting content every week, but it’s not specifically providing value. It’s just sort of filler info.
Or maybe your content is providing value, but it’s all over the place in terms of topics, and you need to reign it in to provide value to your specific audience.
We’ve gone over some proven digital marketing case studies here, and you can always find our case studies on our website.
But in general, we’ve always found that businesses who identify their niche…
…and cater to their specific audience are the ones that perform best and see a return on their investment.
So if you are posting a lot and are still getting nowhere, you need to think about what you’re posting and who you’re posting it for.
Which if you check yourself on point #1, you’ll be doing this anyway for your social strategy.
4. You don’t know the platform well.
Maybe you’re posting to Instagram or posting to TikTok because you know a lot of people are on there, but you’re not really familiar with the platform yourself.
This means you don’t know firsthand how the platform is used or what people tend to post about or engage with on this platform.
Maybe you aren’t using all of the platform’s features to the fullest because you don’t know they exist or how to use them.
This is another mistake that we see often with businesses’ social strategy either not utilizing features that could skyrocket their growth.
Or using them really poorly because they don’t understand what they’re for.
This is where content types come into play like we mentioned earlier.
If you don’t know what Instagram Reels are, or the difference between Stories and feed posts…
…or the difference in tone between Facebook and TikTok, it’s going to be difficult to create smart, effective content for each placement and platform.
If you’re not familiar with the platform you’re using to grow, the result is going to be tone-deaf posts that do nothing for your business.
So if you’re taking your social strategy into your own hands, make sure you thoroughly understand the platform you’re leveraging to grow.
5. You’re not A/B split testing.
A/B testing, in this context, is when you compare two options against each other to see which performs better.
This could mean testing images against video, long captions against short captions, topic A against topic B, and so on.
If you’ve been doing everything else correctly and you’re still not seeing exponential growth…
…you need to start testing different things to see what it is that isn’t clicking with your audience.
Once you find the hole in your social media marketing funnel, you’ll know what to do to avoid that problem moving forward and can scale from there.
To learn more about what a marketing funnel is and how to use it, read this post next.
So those are our top 5 most common reasons why your social strategy isn’t working.
If you need any help with your social media marketing, schedule a consultation today!