Things can easily get overwhelming when you’re making your initial brand visuals.
There’s an infinite possible combination of colors, fonts, and other design elements.
And, you might find yourself second-guessing your choices when you start to build your visual branding guide.
In a previous tutorial, we showed you how to create a visual branding guide for your business.
That’s why in today’s post, here’s a complete guide that will talk about important branding resources…
…that will save you time in deciding key visual choices for your brand and digital marketing graphics.
Let’s dive in!
4 Branding Resources For Your Business Graphics
1. Color Hunt
The nature of your business plays a huge part in picking out which colors should be used for your brand building.
And what Color Hunt does is give you multiple color palettes…
…depending on what kind of business you have, your brand personality, and what mood you’re going for.
Are you in the food industry? Are you selling children’s apparel?
Do you help plan weddings? Or are you looking for popular color combinations for an app you’re about to launch?
Color hunt’s website will give you tons of color palettes and templates to choose from.
And once you’ve decided on one that you like, you can simply hover over the colors to get the hexadecimal color codes and input them in:
- Canva,
- Photoshop, or
- other graphic or web design software that you want to use.
Speaking of colors, you also might want to read this post on color psychology first before deciding which colors to use for your brand.
2. Google Fonts or Font Brief
There are a ton of free fonts in design apps like Canva, but if you’re looking for more font options…
…Google Fonts offers a ton of font designs that are completely free to use.
Simply download your selected font files and import them into Canva or Photoshop among other software that you’re using for your brand graphics.
Now if you want to invest in paid fonts to minimize the remote, but possible, chance of similar fonts being used by other brands…
…Font Brief’s website can help direct you to fonts that you’ll like depending on what look you’re going for.
Do you want something more neutral or expressive? Do you want a more serious or friendly type of font?
Font brief will let you choose which of those you prefer among other options.
Once you find one you like, be sure to download the trial version first…
…and test it out with your brand graphics *text on screen: “if the option to download a trial version is available” before you commit and buy your font license.
3. Looka
So you’ve picked your brand fonts and brand colors, your next step would be to make your logo.
Canva has free template or logo pre-set designs to use on their website.
But using a pre-set design does run the risk of your logo having similar-looking ones from other brands who chose the same Canva pre-set.
So, we would recommend starting from scratch.
If you don’t know where to start, Looka’s website will ask you to type in your brand name and what the nature of your business is.
It will then show you different logos of different styles and make you select which ones you like the most.
Then it lets you pick a color you like, add your slogan, and will then ask you what symbol or icon related to your industry you’d like added to your logo.
After that, its AI will generate a logo from your information.
Looka generates logos for free and will only require you to pay if you choose to download and use the logo you generated.
Alternatively though, you can use Looka’s free logo generator to give you an idea of how you want your logo to look…
…and then create a similar look yourself through Photoshop or Canva with your selected fonts and colors.
Here’s our ultimate guide on how to make your business logo with Canva that you can read next.
4. App Preview
Last on our list of branding resources is an app.
If you want to establish a digital presence with your audience, you’re going to want to post on your social feeds consistently.
Of course, this is also a part of your content marketing efforts.
We’ve mentioned this in a previous post that, “what’ll look good on your Instagram feed, will look good on your other social media channels.”
Preview is an app especially useful for when you’re deciding on different style graphics to engage your audience and potential customers.
Before finalizing which graphic styles are approved for your brand visuals…
…try putting them together in a mockup feed that’ll give you a preview of them side by side.
This will help you determine which graphics work best for your business and which might sound great in theory…
…but when applied to actual graphics, don’t actually complement your brand best.
To get the app, simply type in “preview” in the keyword search of either your android or Apple device, and the app should show up.
Once you’ve installed the app, you can simply import your trial designs and see how they look together.
You can read this article next to learn more on how to create a great-looking theme for business social feed.
So those are some of the best visual branding resources you can use to help you create your business graphics a lot faster and easier.
If you need help with any of your business graphics or branding, LYFE got your back.
Check out our graphic design services or branding services today!