PPC Nonprofit Online Advertising Services
AdWords for Nonprofits
PPC Nonprofit Online Advertising Services
AdWords for Nonprofits
95.4% of Americans Give to Charity
How much of that percentage is your platform capturing? Receive more donations with Google AdWords for Nonprofits.
Quick Results
When you promote your organization using AdWords for nonprofits, your ads are displayed instantaneously. You can immediately start reaching people who want to donate. And often for nonprofits, time is of the essence. Running ad campaigns using AdWords allows your content to be seen immediately and by the right people.
Donor Retention
Getting to as many people as possible is great, but you also want to get in front of the people that feel the most passionate about your organization’s cause. When you target individuals through PPC ads then you’re reaching the most high-quality donors and volunteers who want to work with your nonprofit organization for a long time. Your ads will only appear to the searchers you want them to, so you know your volunteers are qualified.
Platform Awareness
Since AdWords are a paid form of advertising, they rank higher on search engine results pages when your target audience uses relevant search terms. AdWords for nonprofits allows your ads to appear above other organizations and other organic searches – gaining your nonprofits program the most awareness and visibility possible for your platform to hundreds if not thousands of people at any time of day.
Insight into Google AdWords for Nonprofits
What exactly is AdWords for nonprofits? AdWords for nonprofits is designed to drive quality visitors to your site that want to become donors or volunteers. If you have set conversion goals for your site, you can use AdWords to reach those goals with quality traffic. But that’s not all AdWords can help your nonprofit do. Here’s a little bit more information on the opportunity an AdWords campaign presents to your organization.
Digital giving is expected to rise from 7% of fundraising to over 20% of fundraising by 2025. Considering a great deal of digital giving is captured through Google search ads, you’ll want to take these next steps in implementing and improving your Google AdWords campaign.
Over 25% of the U.S. population volunteered in 2013 and 2014. This number is only continuing to climb as the population grows. There are people searching everyday for ways to volunteer. Using geo-targeting on our ads allows those searchers to find your nonprofit’s local cause and encourages them to volunteer. Thus, next time they search, make sure they see your organization’s ad at the top of the list of causes they can support in their community.
Why Your Organization Needs AdWords for Nonprofits
More Visibility. More Volunteers. More Donations.
These are the benefits you will quickly see when you add AdWords for nonprofits to your digital marketing efforts for your organization. A big part of generating awareness for your organization is how far your ads are able to reach. When you reach more people, you can make a bigger impact by receiving more donations. Experience the return you’ve been searching for with an optimized Google AdWords account for nonprofits and have the ability to give back to your cause and make the impact that wows the world.
Google AdWords Grant
Share your cause with the world by obtaining a Google Ad Grant to fuel your AdWords for nonprofits campaign. With up to $10,000 per month in-kind advertising funds, imagine the kind of impact your organization could make. When you work with us, we will correctly configure your ad grants account and walk you through the application process to make sure you are eligible for the Google Ad Grants program. Then once you receive your Google Grant, then we can help you manage that budget to get the most out of AdWords for nonprofits and not waste a penny of the grant money you just received.
All of these benefits can come to you and your cause without the wait. AdWords for nonprofits creates awareness for your cause and aids in fundraising in one of the fastest ways possible because ads are instantaneous. You don’t have to wait for them to populate on social media and be pushed to an audience or sign-up on your email list.
We Manage Your Account So You Can Focus On Helping Others
As a nonprofit organization, you have the opportunity to obtain upwards of $10,000 in grant money specifically for promoting your platform. Now unless you have an experienced AdWords marketer on staff, we understand how managing this amount of money can be a challenge. Our team is here to take that burden off of you. We build, optimize, and manage your ads to get you the greatest return possible for your platform so you can do more good in the world.
Achieving Adwords Success In The Nonprofit Sector
Keywords are the basis of any Google Ad campaign. Knowing the right keywords to use is how you will attract the qualified individuals to support your cause. However, you may not have the time to sit down and do proper keyword research for your campaign, but luckily we do! We use keyword planner tools to target words unique to your organization and cause, whether it is your slogan, tagline, or well known representative – we take advantage of these keywords to keep you above the competition that may also be advocating for the same cause as you.
Because there are limitations on bidding with AdWords for nonprofits, it’s imperative that you leverage all other elements of AdWords in order to beat other nonprofit competitors in the marketplace that are trying to advertise for the same keywords you are. One of the ways to do this is to improve your quality score through great ad copy. What you say will help your organization connect with your audience on a deeper level, setting your organization apart from the competition. All of our ads are custom written by experienced copywriting specialists and marketers. We only provide ads that have a Google quality score above average. Anything less is unacceptable and wouldn’t use your budget or Google Ad Grant efficiently.
Your Google AdWords campaigns must be monitored daily for optimization or you could quickly burn through your budget. This can be a hassle for small nonprofit businesses whose staff already wears many hats and may not have the skills and knowledge needed to manage an AdWords campaign. Our services take this worry away from you as your dedicated ad specialist monitors your account everyday and makes adjustments as necessary to optimize ad performance. There are indications throughout the daily performance of your ads that will tell us where consumers are in their journey to becoming a donor or volunteer. We use conversion tracking and other Google Analytics metrics to keep track of the performance of your ads. Monitoring certain metrics allow us to better optimize your ads to your audience’s preferences, overall making your ads more efficient.
AdWords combined with our reporting system will deliver highly detailed reports of the success of your ads including the traffic and donations they are driving to your website. Reporting is important for any business, but more especially so for nonprofits. This is because as a nonprofit, you may have a smaller budget to allocate to ad spend, and unlike free advertising, you need to see how every dollar counts for your campaign’s progress. We will send you these reports each month and discuss them with you so you understand how your campaigns are performing, the changes we made to better their performance, and the opportunities we see for growth.
Key Elements: Nonprofit PPC
If you want to see a great return on investment, you have to have good PPC practices in place when developing Google Ads. We know this and we’re proud to say that we operate and manage results driven nonprofit PPC campaigns. How? Well, we accomplish this using a few proven tactics:
Keyword Research
If you want to get the most out of your ad spend by receiving quality traffic to your landing pages, then you have to utilize the most effective keywords. We do this through proper keyword research. Using the right keywords and negative keywords, we make sure your ads are targeting the right searches for the most qualified donors.
Relevant Ad Copy
Capturing the user’s attention is key to getting the click so you can convert them into a donor/volunteer. If your ad content resonates with your audience, that is when they will be encouraged to support your cause.
Split Testing Ads
Continuous testing is the best way to see the greatest results. We run various campaigns with different ad groups so we are always using the most responsive ads for your organization.
Ongoing Research & Optimization
Knowing donor preference changes will aid in the proper optimization of ads.
Why Our Company Is The Best Choice For Nonprofit PPC Services
Nonprofit Experience
Our nonprofit platform experience ranges from social activism and education to community improvement and religious organizations. You can rest assured that you’re in good hands with knowledgeable experts. AdWords for nonprofits operates on a different level with differences in bidding parameters, rules, and competition so you must work with a firm experienced in AdWords for nonprofits if you want to see results.
PPC Specialists
You will have dedicated specialists working on your account who are trained in AdWords for nonprofits. All of your custom ads will be written with powerful call-to-actions and donor intent, while sharing the purpose of your organization. Our specialists do continuous research and stay up to date on consumers’ searching habits and Google changes, so you stay ahead of the game and your ads always resonate with donors.
How will you create content that fits my business?
We will create content that fits your business by examining your questionnaire, brand guide and any other material you give us.
Full Service Offerings
Having a live website with substantial content is one of the key factors in receiving Google Ad Grant qualification. Our full-service digital marketing firm can not only build your AdWords campaign, but we can also create short videos for you. We build its strength and drive traffic to it through email and social media marketing. We know all the tricks of the trade when it comes to digital marketing. So, why is LYFE the best choice for nonprofit PPC services? You’re in good hands with knowledgeable experts who are trained in AdWords for nonprofits.