The Challenge
The goal of the coordinators was to simply organize a great conference and have people come. @DigitalSummit_ team always does a great job marketing, but invited us to bring a little more LYFE to promotions. We were able to spread awareness about the digital scene in Atlanta as a whole with Digital Summit being the sphere of attention. In addition, increasing event hits and blog postings.
The Solution
We decided the best strategy would be to attack major platforms that would create excitement and spread massive word of mouth about the upcoming conference. Using our Twitter network of over 200,000 people in the Atlanta we were able to expose @DigitalSummit_ to it’s targeted audience.
We begin to promote the conference and hashtag, #DSum13 with @DigitalSummit_ brand being the fore front. Below are some of the screenshots of word of mouth.
The Results
With social media promotion of the show on Twitter to LYFE Marketing’s network of 200,000+ followers, the overall ending results were huge. The social media promotions generated a total of 1.9 million impressions, #DSum13 trended on Twitter organically. The event was once again a huge success.